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Herpetological information


Ing. Andrej FUNK,
Družstevní ochoz 25,
140 00 Praha 4
tel: 723 030 305

The Herpetologické informace (= Herpetological Information, HI) is published since 1986, since 2002 with ISSN (Vol. 1), now annually until quaterly. This journal presents information and news from czech and world herpetology and abstracts of lectures presented during the annual conference of CHS. Diverse written contributions and articles are welcome (in czech or slovak with english summary or in english with czech summary). Single contributions write in MS Word text editors (*.doc, *.rtf format). All text files, draws, photos, tables printed on special papers are accepted by mail or scanned materials (300 dpi) by e–mail to correspondence address of editor. Articles are review from members of the CHS Committee. The journal is issued without gainful intentions. The autors and editors are not honored. Autors will obtain 3 more issuses of HI.

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 CHS, Vinicna 7, Praha 2, 128 44, Czech Rep.
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